Welcome to stay overnight

in our harbour

Please feel warmly welcome to stay overnight in our harbour, located only two nautical miles from the fairway between Helsinki and Hanko, in the beautiful archipelago of Ekenäs. Guest mooring is alongside the outer dock. Port service includes electricity, water, toilet, fuel 24/7, and waste collection, coffee and ice cream can be enjoyed in BOKSI The Harbour Office. Please see harbour map and regulations here. Harbour fee is 25€/night for longside mooring (max 15 tons), electricity 7€/night. Book & pay online.

Booking calendar will open again in may 😊

Four archipelago images from Baggö Marina's boat harbour with boats in the harbour, wooden sailing ship, trawler and close-up of reed

Harbour number: 496 | Chart: B 635 | Depth: 8-11 m | Mooring: longside | Service: electricity, water, toilet, fuel, waste collection

59º53.320'N 23º30.740'E

“The Sea. It is my favorite thing, I think, that I have ever seen. Sometimes I catch myself staring at it and forget my duties. It seems big enough to contain everything anyone could ever feel.”

Anthony Doerr

About Baggö Marina

Baggö Marina is a harbour of 168 berths for seasonal renters and 8–10 guest boats mooring along the outside of the dock. In addition to annual berths and guest mooring, seafarers are offered winter storage with boat and motor maintenance. In 2024 a new fuel station was opened with easy access even for bigger motorboats. The harbour also has it's own small boutique BOKSI The Harbour Office, where you can find all things nice for summerlife at sea or the cottage, as well as travel gifts. Pause for a moment to enjoy coffee and ice cream, or a refreshing beverage. Closed for the season 2024.

Baggö Marina use municipal infrastructure, the hall is heated with geothermal heating and the area is illuminated by LED lighting. The car park has car spaces with charging posts and a fast charging station for electric vehicles. During summer, boat hull cleaning is arranged weekly as an environmentally friendly alternative to anti-fouling treatment.

Helsinki-Hanko fairway: 2 NM | Hanko: 21 NM | Helsinki: 52 NM | Ekenäs: 17 NM | Jussarö: 4,5 NM

Graafinen kuva tekstillä Uusi polttoaineasema kesä 2024

Fill up with 98 and Diesel

At our fuel station

Fill up with Neste Futura 98 E5 fuel and Neste Futura Diesel right by the Helsinki-Hanko fairway! The station is deep (2–5,5 m) and easily accessible. You can easily reach the station and comfortably refuel even with a larger motorboat. The station is only two nautical miles from the Helsinki-Hanko fairway, which means a 4-minute journey at a speed of 30 knots. The station is located on the western side of the breakwater and is open 24/7.

Check the location of the station on the map.

59º53.320'N 23º30.740'E

Baggövägen 1275, 10600 Ekenäs
Tel +358 (0)40 542 9062


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